e-Reader Policy/ Circulation Agreement

e-Readers are available only to residents of the Elsie Public Library Service
Area, 18 years or older, in possession of a valid library card in good
standing (no fines and up-to-date patron information), and must sign a
copy of this e-Reader agreement form. Patrons must show a valid photo id
when checking out the e-Reader. (a copy will remain with your signed
agreement until return of the e-Reader). e-Readers must be reserved in
person or over the phone and cannot be reserved through Interlibrary
• e Readers may be borrowed for a 3-week period and are not renewable.
Overdue fines will be assessed at $5 per day/with a maximum $25.00
fine. If a library-owned e-Reader is not returned within 30 days of the due
date, it will be considered theft and referred to the proper law enforcement
• e Readers must be picked up in person and returned in person at the Elsie
Public Library during operating hours. e-Readers must be picked up and
returned ONLY at the circulation desk. A minimum fine of $25.00 WILL be
added to the account of any patron who leaves the e-Reader in the book
drop or leaves the device unattended on the counter. Under no
circumstances should a borrower leave the Kindle unattended. The library
will not be responsible for a lost or stolen devices left unattended before it
is checked in. e-Readers will be checked for functionality and accessories
before being removed from the patron record. Patrons must wait while a
staff member checks the e-Reader to make sure it is functional and that all
parts are accounted for. This process may take up to five minutes, so
please be patient. Your ID copy will then be returned to you.
• Patrons will not be permitted to download items.
• It is the borrower’s full responsibility for all costs associated with damage
to the Kindle or its associated peripheral equipment during the period it is
on loan or its replacement costs should it be lost, stolen, or damaged in any
• Only one device may be checked out per family at a time.
• Borrowers may not delete or copy any existing e-books loaded on a Kindle
• If patrons experience problems with Kindle hardware or applications or
have questions, they should ask a staff member for assistance. Borrowers
are NOT to attempt to fix anything on the Kindle.
• If all Kindles are checked out, a patron may place his or her name and
contact information on a Kindle waiting list.
Approved by Board at meeting on March 12, 2015.